Thursday, March 16, 2017

Beating Dead Unicorns (Uber, Twitter, Snapchat,......)

Silicon valley loves to think of itself as the center of disruption and living on the very front edge of innovation. Everything is disruptable - systems, laws, labour, tradition, culture and everything else under the sun.

To be fair, the culture has resulted in grassroots overhauls of access to knowledge (Google), individual productivity (Microsoft), community (Facebook), sales (Amazon), style (Apple) and possibly more.

Recent unicorns Uber, Twitter and Snapchat are symptomatic of a much bigger problem however. None of them make money...

Uber, seeking to revolutionize the transportation sector, is the fastest money losing company in US history and is going to get crushed because of its supportive role in stealing Google's self-driving technology.

Twitter, the oldest of the really sick unicorns if you don't consider Yahoo to be half buried in the graveyard, hasn't made money in 10 years, its founders divested most of their stock with the IPO in 2013. Aside from the new US President who is obviously a fan - user growth is near non-existent, and what user base is left is getting overrun with trolls.

Snapchat - worth $22 billion, just listed on the exchange, has never made a profit, but the brand is valuable because it caters to young people.

Get ready for a ride :-)